

"With humble gratitude the Seniors of Summerville High School dedicate the 1958 Sequoyah to our parents, because you have so unselfishly given to us your love and devotion.  You have helped us in many ways - as an advisor and a faithful friend, as our guiding light in helping us to solve our prblems.  We dedicate this annual to you as a small token of our sincere love and appreciation for all you have done for us."

kids in front
A photo taken on the front lawn looking west with billboards where Dowdy Park now stands.

While not beautiful, the school building had a simple dignity not seen in current school architecture.

senior officers
Senior officers were President Rebecca Parker, Vice president Harold Neal, and Secretary-Treasurer Jane Wooten.

mr and miss sequoyah
Harold Neal and Sandra Smithson were selected by their classmates as Mr. and Miss Sequoyah, an honor bestowed upon the most outstanding boy and girl in the senior class.

Members of the faculty hold a meeting.

football team
The football team was coached by Lamar Parker and Leonard Bruce.  

Cheerleaders included (kneeling) Jamie Hughes, Dotty Goodwin, Alice Ruth Henderson, (standing) Elizabeth Money, Sylvia Willingham, Judy Medders, Joan Cordle, Ann Bigham, Diane Stickland, and Patty Bridges.

Miss Carolyn Harris was elected by the football squad to be Homecoming Queen.  Her court consisted of (L-R) Mable Jo Bailey, Patty Bridges, Sandra Smithson, and Frances Hale.

journalism club
The Journalism Club included (front row) Sandra Smithson, Carolyn Phillips, Nancy King, Linda Martin, Linda Hix, Mary Alice Hudgins, Maxine Light, Betty Ann Money, Martha Abrams, Harold Neal,

(second row) L.C. Smith, Dianne Gorman, Lorena Pless, Frances Hale, Jo Bailey, Margie Keith,

(third row) Marnell Rickett, Ted Bridges, Carol Hughes, Hedy Holtzendorf, Betty Sue Carter, Evelyn Wofford,

(fourth row) club advisor Miss Saxon, Nancy Bishop, Imogene Clements, and Sandra Harris.

The "Family Living" Quintet was organized for the purpose of presenting special numbers at FHA programs.  The group consisted of (L-R) Mrs. Nell Taylor, William Roach, Jo Bailey, Dan Hawkins, Sandra Smithson, and Linda Martin.

baseball team
The baseball team included (front row) Manager Farrill Allen, Harold Neal, Ray Casey, Harry Barnes, Tommy Drummond, Jerry Willingham, Cody Chastain, Don Langston, (back row) Randy Freeney, Sammy Ragland, Pat Freeney, Petey Dunson, Dan Hawkins, Jerry Baker, Tommy Hall, and Donald Reynolds.

Thanks to L.C. Smith for providing the 1958 Sequoyah yearbook.

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