The Cloudland School was located north of Cloudland on Highway 157 and was eventually consolidated with Menlo School.  Part of the school is still used as the fellowship hall and Sunday School rooms for Cloudland Presbyterian Church.  According to Jimmy Holbrook, the old schoolhouse was moved and placed behind the church sometime in the late 1950s or early 1960s.

cloudland school
The students shown with their teacher, Mrs. Robbie Green, in this photograph taken around 1946 are, from left to right (front row) Betty Hickey, Bud Holbrook, Scott Chamlee, and unidentified; (middle row) Leonard Smith, Dorothy Boozer, Dickie Chamlee, Bobby Cagle, Margaret Webb, and Hoyt Hampton; (back row) Charlie Bell Huskey, Joe Chamlee, Sue Smith, Gladys Huskey, Druceil Holbrook, Imagene Holbrook, and Virgil Holbrook.

Thanks to Jimmy Holbrook for sharing this photograph.

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