The Farmers & Merchants Bank held a formal opening of its new building on the corner of Commerce and East Washington Streets on Wednesday, January 20, 1954.
Diane McWhorter, daughter of bank president Daniel Lee McWhorter, is shown cutting the ribbon. Next to her is her sister, Marie. Others pictured are (left to right) Ella Mae Hendrix, Bob Hendrix, James King, Carolyn Edwards, Bill Bowman, Sue Bowman, Evelyn Cook, and Francis Harris. According to the Summerville News at "9 o'clock Wednesday morning, Daniel Lee McWhorter, president of the bank, opened the door, which formally opened the new building to the public. Mrs. B.H. Edmondson, 97, of Summerville, was the first depositor. She is one of the oldest depositors of the bank and is also one of its stockholders. Her late husband was a director in the bank for many years."
Thanks to Margaret Fulton for providing
this photograph.
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