Dave Henley graduated from Chattooga High School in 1978. Shown below are some of the photographs he took as the school photographer.
According to Dave, "I had always taken pictures with an Instamatic as a little kid. I joined the Indian Lore to write, but they were in need of a photographer. Tim Evans was the photographer and he was going to graduate so I worked with him. I took over the next year, first with a Polaroid, then an inexpensive 35mm camera. Earl McConnell showed me how to use the darkroom at the high school."

Homecoming parade in downtown Summerville.

Head football coach Buddy Windle inspires the crowd at a pep rally.

The CHS Marching Band performs at half-time at the Little Big Horn stadium.

From left to right: Ramone Pollard, Lydia Dorsey, and Jerome Black.

From left to right: Randy Elrod, Chrysanne Ramsey, and Dennis Elrod.

1978 basketball season.

Miss Chattooga County pageant, 1978. Participants unidentified.
Thanks to Dave Henley for sharing his photographs.